
Custom Orthotics

A custom orthotic is a device designed to align the foot and ankle into the most anatomically efficient position. They look like insoles, but that is where the similarities end. Custom orthotics are biomechanical medical appliances that are custom made to correct your specific foot imbalance. They are individually fabricated over a three dimensional model of your foot. Custom orthotics work on your feet much like glasses work on your eyes – they reduce stress and strain on your body by bringing your feet back into proper alignment. The plastic body of the custom orthotic helps to re-align the foot by redirecting and reducing certain motion that takes place during the gait cycle. Most often custom orthotics will fit comfortably into your shoes. Occasionally, a slightly larger shoe might be required.

Custom foot orthotics can help relieve the pain and fatigue associated with improper biomechanics throughout the body. In order to walk, stand or play, pain-free, the body requires a stable foundation provided by your feet. When there are problems with the foundation, often the symptoms are found both in your feet and throughout the rest of the muscular skeletal structure. Examples of these symptoms include:

  • Localized foot pain
  • Bunions, hammer toes
  • Arch/heel pain
  • Leg/knee pain

Custom orthotics will not reduce muscles tone. They will help position your foot so you will be using the right muscles at the right time, minimizing fatigue and allowing your muscles to be used more efficiently.

Vasyli Orthotics

In 1987, VASYLI Medical introduced custom heat-moldable orthotics, designed together with some of the world’s foremost biomechanics experts. A snap to fabricate in the clinic, these products revolutionized medical orthotics for professionals who treated lower-limb disorders. But this was just the beginning.

A few years later came the introduction of over-the-counter prefabricated orthotics by Phillip Vasyli as well as shoes and sandals with built-in orthotics for consumers—the genesis of Orthaheel, now known as Vionic with Orthaheel Technology. Today, the Vionic Group is the “proud parent” of these complementary medical and retail brands.

VASYLI Medical products not only benefit patients. They also provide health care professionals with new ways to enhance the profitability of their practices through retailing—a common goal in today’s challenging health care marketplace. At Vionic Group, we appreciate the importance of aligning these retail objectives with ethical medical practices—it’s what we call medical retailing intelligence.

Given our many years of experience marketing products in both medical and retail channels, we understand the unique needs of selling within a professional practice. We  share our best practices with you.

Click here to learn about how orthotics work.